Author: Kinooze Learning
My Pet Dog
(Shash, 11, writes a loving poem about his pets ) My dog is small, My dog is cute, He answers to my call, And likes to climb my chimney chute, When he comes down, I have to give him a bath, Cos’ he’s usually covered in soot! His claws are sharp, His eyes are black,…
Who was Charles Dickens?
This is a true and inspiring story about a boy named Charles who was born in England about 200 years ago. He was born on February 7, 1812 to very poor parents. But do you know whom this boy grew up to become? He became a world famous English writer Charles Dickens. Now England was…
Catch a Bird on Tape?
Professor David Lentink and his students of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford are trying something new. They want to create spy drones to be as perfect as the birds of nature. Ever noticed a pigeon flying gracefully in the sky, over the buildings and in strong winds without falling down? That is how these people want the…
The Laboratory Burger
Some time back we heard about food being printed. Yes, scientists are working on something miraculous, just print your food. A new kind of burger that is not cooked in the kitchen but made in a laboratory was tasted for the first time in London on Monday. Scientist Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University produced the…
The Shouting Candle – Thunder and Lightning
Rachel, Keith and Molly were playing in the park. Suddenly dark clouds loomed over their playground. They wondered whether to stay or run home, and all of a sudden there is a loud rumble. Rachel looked up and said, ” Hey we have a storm coming I just saw the lightning flash”. Crash! Molly’s father…
Invisible From Mosquitoes?
Wouldn’t everyone love to have an invisibility cloak from mosquitoes? Aren’t they annoying, buzzing creatures that suck your blood and give you a red itchy swollen patch on your skin? And this is when they are doing damage at the least. When they are most sinister, they can cause fatal diseases like dengue fever, malaria…
We know a lot about most organs in our body, and their crucial functions. We have read about how brain is the boss of our body and, how heart pumps blood to our body and keeps it going. We read about the eyes, hands and legs, how they are so highly important and how do…
Animal Parents
Different parents have different parenting styles. Have you ever imagined how animal-parents would take care of their children in the wild? Here are some fascinating facts about strange parents of the wild. “Not only do they make good boots but also good parents” Alligators – Scary reptiles, it is difficult to imagine them as loving parents,…
(A big message in a short poem by Shash) Without laughter, No one can survive, Not even an anteater, Or the buzzing bees in the hive, Teachers, Preachers, Have laughed at least once, And I’m sure your parents and you have laughed tons and tons!
To Catch or not to Catch The Asteroids
Have you ever caught the star? If you were a Dora fan, I am sure you must have ;) NASA intended to capture an asteroid and study it. For that, it wanted to launch an unmanned spacecraft in 2018 to bring the asteroid closer to earth and then send scientists up in the space to…
Parasite Plants
Are you familiar with the word parasite? A parasite is an organism that lives inside another organism called host. It takes its energy and nutrients from the host making the host weak and itself strong. Well that is not very nice, but it is true. Can plants be lazy and do that? Are there any…
Sydney Opera House
As the name suggests, Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney, Australia. It is a very well recognized and unique structure on the shores of Sydney harbor. It is one of the most famous performing arts center in the world. The building is shaped like sails of a boat. It stands in the middle of…