Author: Kinooze Learning

  • All about Balloons

    All about Balloons

    Any celebration is incomplete without the balloons. They have become an integral part of any festivity. Little children squeal with joy while holding the balloon in their hands, the elder kids, can’t stop bobbing it. Do you know how they were discovered and what all different kinds of balloons are used today? The first balloons…

  • David and Goliath

    David and Goliath

    Long time ago there were people who lived in a place called Israel. These people were called Israelites. There were also people named the Philistines who lived in Philistine. The Israelites and the Philistines did not get along well, and both wanted to conquer each other. As a result, they both were in a battle.…

  • The Constant Change – Adaptation

    The Constant Change – Adaptation

    We all do it. Animals, birds, plants and human beings. We change constantly. The changes are very minuscule but over a long period of time they seem pretty visible. We evolve. We adapt. The process which helps a living thing  to change in order to survive the changes in its environment is called adaptation. Imagine if…

  • The Concrete Zoo

    The Concrete Zoo

      Singrauli, a town in India, is famous for its coal production and power plants of India. All this fame has a cost. Forests have been cut down to create space for the industrialization. The city lost its forests and wildlife. It was also famous for its wild life once. Tigers and elephants were commonly…

  • Anti Shark Suits

    Anti Shark Suits

    Coastline of Perth, Western Australia has recently experienced the highest number of fatal shark attacks in the world. The coastal waters are teaming with white sharks, and this poses a great threat to lives. Highly concerned about the issue, Shark Attack Mitigation Systems(SAMS) in collaboration with The University of Western Australia has innovated two types of shark suits that…

  • Back To School

    Back To School

    (Interesting article written by Kaavya) After a yawning gap of one and a half months, I was ready to go back to school. I packed my bag, polished my shoes and kept my uniform ready for the next day. Going by the quotation, early to bed early to rise makes you healthy and wise, I…

  • Gloopy Wonder Called Glue

    Gloopy Wonder Called Glue

    Chris was sitting on the floor with art stuff strewn all around him. He had to make an art project for school. They had just finished learning all about the animal kingdom, and he was put in charge of making a penguin enclosure. He had everything he needed – Thermocol for the base, blue glazed…

  • Emma’s Pet

    Emma’s Pet

    Emma loved to play soccer. That is what she did in most of her free time. There is something else Emma had been longing for – a pet. Any time she saw someone else’s pet, she wanted to have one. Finally, she persuaded her parents to get a pet on her eleventh birthday. Her father…

  • Taking Care of Mom

    Taking Care of Mom

    This is a guest post by Swati Gupta. Swati was a computer professional before she left her promising  career to devote quality time to her little one. Today, she is a full time, busy mother of two wonderful kids.      Looking at my “to take care list”, I found that I had a lot to take care of. Kids…

  • World’s Oldest Lunar Calendar Discovered

    World’s Oldest Lunar Calendar Discovered

    The lunar calendar discovered by archaeologists in a field at Scotland dates back to 10,000 years ago. You must be thinking that calendar must be a paper or a leaf scroll with scribbled information, tucked under the ground for generations. But that is not how calendars were thousands of years ago. The calendar had a…

  • Navigating Neptune

    Navigating Neptune

    Neptune, like mostly all the other celestial objects in space, is also named after a god in Greek Roman mythology. Neptune means Roman god of the sea. It had been named so probably because of its blue appearance. The planet is all blue. Is that because of presence of water on the planet? No way!…

  • Fresh Food for Longer!

    Fresh Food for Longer!

    Do you wish there were a way to keep food fresh forever? All the hunger problem of the world will be solved. You must have noticed even after keeping the food in the refrigerator, the food starts smelling a bit funny after a few days, and tiny mold starts growing if you leave it any…