Fresh Food Bags

Fresh Food for Longer!

File Photo Image Credit: Flickr User stu_spivack, via CC

Do you wish there were a way to keep food fresh forever? All the hunger problem of the world will be solved.

You must have noticed even after keeping the food in the refrigerator, the food starts smelling a bit funny after a few days, and tiny mold starts growing if you leave it any longer.

Carolyn Jons, 15, a freshman at Eden Prairie High School in Eden Prairie, Minnesota has figured out a way to keep foods for longer if not forever.


It is very simple. She uses the fact that all microbes need oxygen to grow. Oxygen is present in the air, so it is easily available.

Carolyn thought that if this oxygen supply were stopped then the microbes would not be able to grow.  She designed a bag which does exactly that. This special bag has a pouch on the other side which contains a material called “nano iron”.

This “nano iron” traps the oxygen that is in the bag containing the food. She experimented on strawberries and cheese and found that the food stayed fresher for more time as compared to a normal bag.

The bag only starts working when it is opened and not before that.

Inspiring isn’t it?


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