Author: Kinooze Learning

  • The Prickly Plant – Cactus

    The Prickly Plant – Cactus

    Plants need very little from us, don’t they? They just need a little sunshine, rain and fertile soil.  Few plants need even lesser. Cactus is one such plant. It needs only sunshine. Cactus gets its name from the Greek word “kaktos,” meaning “thistle.”  They grow in deserts where there is hardly any rainfall. These plants…

  • Supermoon is Here!

    Supermoon is Here!

    Are you wondering if we meant the “Man of Steel”, Superman to be here? No, we meant the Supermoon, the full moon of 2013 will be here early Sunday. This Sunday on June 23, the moon will reach the closest point to Earth in its orbit around Earth (perigee). Some people believe that there will…

  • Are You Scared?

    Are You Scared?

    All of us are scared of something. Look at the poor Dino! He seems awfully scared of that tiny rat! I am extremely scared of cockroaches. Once I saw a big ugly fellow loitering in my house at night, I couldn’t sleep thereafter. I spent the whole night sitting on a chair, upright and alert, fearing that it…

  • The Big Brain

    The Big Brain

    Scientists have successfully created a high resolution 3D model of the brain that they have named ‘The Big Brain’. The model will give a 3D insight into the human brain and will enable the user to observe microscopic details of the brain. It’s almost like studying a real human brain, may be even better! How…

  • Hidden City Unearthed Near Angkor Vat

    Hidden City Unearthed Near Angkor Vat

    The lost city of Mahendraparvata, near Angkor Wat, was unearthed using airborne laser technology – LiDAR. Scientists always believed that a city existed there some 1200 years ago. The findings were then re-confirmed by a team of Australian and French archaeologists who went on foot expedition through the jungle. The vast network of roads, canals,…

  • Fruit or a Vegetable?

    Fruit or a Vegetable?

    Vian and Vera were twins who argued all the time. It was difficult for them to stay apart and was very tough on their parents when they were together because they fought all the time. One day they got back from school and were arguing as usual. Vera said, “It is a fruit.” Vian said,…

  • My Twin Brother

    My Twin Brother

    (Nya, 11, writes a funny poem about her twin brother.) My brother has very b(r)othersome habits, And he hates cute, cuddly rabbits. But when I need help, He is always there for me. Though as noisy as a buzzing bee! He is a hissing snake spying on people, But as sweet as the syrup of…

  • If I Were A Bird

    If I Were A Bird

    (Shash , 11, imagines what it is like to be a free bird.) If I were a bird, I’d fly up in the sky, Chattering and tweeting, In a pitch so high! If I were a bird, I’d be a bluebird or magpie, Robin or crow, It doesn’t matter to me, Because I’d still be…

  • Power Of The Water – HydroPower

    Power Of The Water – HydroPower

    Does water give us power? Yes, it does. It gives us power to live as our bodies are made up of 70% water. Keep drinking water to stay cool. Is there some other kind of power that we can get from water? Yes, it is called the hydro power ( hydro means water in Greek).…

  • Killer Whales

    Killer Whales

    Killer whales, as their popular name suggests are ultimate killers. These whales have nobody to hunt them down which means that they are at the top of the food chain. How comforting it must be for an animal to enjoy that privilege :) Do you know what such predators are called? They are called the…

  • Mr. Balloon Captains Project Loon

    Mr. Balloon Captains Project Loon

    Is Mr. Balloon a character from the famous cartoon show Looney tunes? Nope! Project loon is a bunch of 30 balloons flying over New Zealand’s south island. This is a project started by Google, to provide faster internet access to remote areas by a balloon network. This world is going to be far better connected…

  • All About Teeth

    All About Teeth

    You were born without any teeth. So was I. So is everybody. Do you know when your first tooth popped out? The first tooth, usually the lower front tooth, appears at the age of 6-8 months. Though it could be a little later or earlier. Some rare times, babies are born with teeth already in…