Author: Kinooze Learning
Responsible Me?
When asked, if you are responsible most of you will confidently say ‘yes’!! But let us see if you actually are responsible. How many of the below listed things you follow? I brush my teeth without being reminded about it. Food is not for playing. I eat it rather than playing with it. I…
Mouslets’ Fools Day
(This humorous story is written by nine year old Disha) Once upon a time, in the town of Mousseville lived two mousy friends, Betty Sweetfur and Tina Ticklefur. Every day, they would play on Mousy lane. One day they went to visit their friend Virus Veggiefur. Virus had a small vegetable shop. They had gone there to…
Herschel Space Telescope Stops Working
Europe’s Herschel Space Laboratory has run out of liquid helium essentially needed to run Herschel Space Telescope, the largest infrared telescope ever launched into space. The helium was needed to maintain an ultra-low temperature for proper functioning of the telescope. This has come as no surprise to the scientists as the helium reserves for the telescope launched in 2009 had…
To Hit or Not to Hit?
That is the question. There are times when our kids just would not listen and we are blinded by rage. That happens with quite a lot of us when we want our kids to just obey us and any other behavior seems unacceptable. Trust me most of the times it is our frustrations and anger when we act on…
Time to Clean Up Space
The experts at 6th European Conference on Space Debris, held in Darmstadt, Germany have concluded that too much space junk has accumulated in space and that now we should be worrying about cleaning it up. Are you wondering what is this all about? What is space junk or debris? Space junk refers to part or whole pieces…
A Special Horse
Thirteen year old prince Alexander fell in love with the beautiful black stallion the first time he saw it. It had shiny black coat with a large white star on his brow. The name of the black beauty was Bucephalus. The name meaning “ox-head” was given to him because his head was as broad as that of a…
Dead Sea Monument Placed Near Mount Everest
Have you ever picked up a beautiful shell or a shiny pebble from the beach, just so you could gift it your good friend – like a memoir? Two friendly nations Nepal and Israel decided that to promote tourism in their countries they would do something remarkable, like erect new monuments that people would love…
Power of the Oceans!
Hydro-power is not a new term, it has been around for a long time. It means “Energy from water” (hydro means water, and power means energy of course). By constructing dams on the rivers or by placing turbines we have tapped on this energy from water and have converted it into electricity. Almost 17 percent of…
Satellites or Smartphones?
The Smartphones are getting ready to go where no man has gone before! Well, kind of. NASA sent, on April 21st, three Android smartphones to the space by placing them inside specially designed cube boxes and placing them on a orbit at a distance 240 kilometers from the Earth. These are Android phones made by HTC…
Rob was getting bored. He switched on the television to watch a cartoon or two. As soon as Keira finished her homework, she grabbed her mom’s iPad to play a newly downloaded fun game of Fruit Ninja. Shaun was excited. He was going to a nearby gaming zone with his father. These days if you are getting bored, there…
Meet Microraptor – The Fishy Dinosaur!
A new discovery published in the journal Evolution reports that Microraptor, a four winged dinosaur previously known to feast on small mammals and birds, might have loved eating fish! A team led by University of Alberta, Canada, have found a new fossil of Microraptor in North East China. Now this fossil is remarkable – this…