Author: Kinooze Learning
A Safety Deposit Box On Moon
Want to send something to the moon? You can now send a tiny something to the moon by using a service called moonmail. This service is offered by a company named Astrobotic. You can send diamonds, tiny rings and locks of hair to be saved permanently on the moon. Just like you keep things safely…
What is Friction?
Do you know why things fall on the ground? They do because they are pulled by a force known as gravity. Have you seen how magnets stick to each other? They do so because they are pulled by a force known as the magnetic force. Do you know how we are able to walk? Our legs…
Living Legend forced to sell his Nobel Prize
Well, the Nobel prize that is won by a lot of hard work in a particular area of research was recently on sale. This has happened for the first time when James Watson, 86, sold his Nobel prize that he won in 1962. He had won the Nobel prize in Physiology of medicine for discovering the…
(Esha, 11, pens a sweet poem about Humming birds) Beautiful, elegant and very sweet, Their voice goes like tweet tweet tweet. Their nests are small, Because these birds are not very tall. The crest of their tiny heads shine, Their babies when born usually whine. They are called hummingbirds as they hum, Their eggs are as small…
Who Was Isaac Newton?
Isaac had just returned from an apple orchard after spending the whole day there watching apples drop to the ground. “Why does apple always fall downwards? Why does it not go sideways, or upwards? But constantly falls to the Earth’s center?”, He asked his grandma. Grandma felt bad that she could not answer any of…
New Species Of Frog Smaller Than Thumbelina
Do you know the story of Thumbelina? Once upon a time, there lived a pretty little girl, Who was smaller than any girl you have ever seen! Her mother said, “Look she is no bigger than my thumb! I shall call her Thumbelina” Well, a new species of bush-frog, named Raorchestes primarrumpfi, smaller than Thumbelina got discovered recently…
Biggest Christmas Lights Display
Over 1.2 million Christmas lights in a 3-D setup spread over 41000 square feet! To see this Christmas extravaganza, you have to be in Canberra, the capital city of Australia. For those of you who can not make it there, have a look at the video: The man behind the feat is David Richards, a Canberra resident…
Weird Noses
We all know that noses serve two purposes – breathing and smelling. Right? But some animals do more than that, and their weird noses help them. They have very strange noses, and if there ever were a competition to decide which animal has the weirdest nose, it would be a tough call but there are…
Bliss’s Adventure
(Malika, 11, writes about a cute little tooth fairy out on her first job.) Once upon a time in fairyland, there was a little tooth fairy named Bliss. Bliss was very happy. Today was her first day to go tooth hunting. Soon, she soon reached the human world. She didn’t know where to start! She hunted…
NASA’s Orion – Flight to the Future
NASA has named its new spacecraft ‘Orion’ quite aptly. The Greek name Orion means ‘rising in the sky’. NASA’s next generation spacecraft Orion, is built to rise in the sky, to carry humans into the deep space and eventually to Mars. NASA is planning to launch a test flight on December 5, 2014, which is today! The test flight…
The Stone Age Man
The Stone Age lasted for thousands of years. When archaeologists refer to the Stone Age, they usually suffix words with ‘lithic’ which means ‘relating to stone’. Since Stone Age spans over so many years, the Stone Age is divided by archaeologists into three stages: •Palaeolithic period(Paleo means ancient)•Mesolithic period( Meso means middle)•Neolithic period (Neo means…
The Flying Fish – Manta Ray
If you were to go underwater diving, you would see this fish soaring high as an eagle. Manta rays or the Eagle rays as they are called are very interesting creatures. They are mostly found in the warm waters of the tropical seas. Do they really fly? Umm Nope! It appears as if they are…