Category: Facts For Kids

  • Famous Festivals

    Famous Festivals

    Aren’t festivals a lot of fun? All around the world there are religious festivals, harvest festivals, street festivals and fun festivals. The list goes on. Why did people even start celebrating festivals in the first place? Well, I think people just needed a reason to celebrate and festivals are a great way to do that.…

  • Onomatopoeia


    Shhhhhhhhh… Shut your eyes. Open your ears. Listen keenly. You will hear sounds all around you. If you are in the house, you are most likely to hear tic tac of the clock, bow wow of your dog, clang clang of the vessels, pitter patter of a leaking tap. Outside in the garden you will probably…

  • All About Storms

    All About Storms

    You keep hearing about the storms that  bring a lot of wind and heavy rains to the areas where they strike. Different names are also used like hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, typhoons and twisters. Are they all same or different?  Let us investigate. It all starts with the wind. What is wind? Moving air is called…

  • Tomorrow That Never Came

    Tomorrow That Never Came

    The week was ending on a lucky note. Anna’s class teacher Miss Mary informed the class about a story writing competition. The competition was about writing any fictional story with a nice message. The story had to be submitted on next Friday, else it would not be accepted. The winning entry would be printed as…

  • How do We Grow Up? – Lifecycles

    How do We Grow Up? – Lifecycles

    You must think that this is such a silly question. We all know that we are born as babies, grow up to be kids and finally adults. It is very true in mammals, but what about other animals like insects or amphibians or birds. The different stages that an animal goes through before becoming an…

  • Eats Shoots and Leaves – Koala

    Eats Shoots and Leaves – Koala

    Can you guess who? C’mon take a good guess? Oh! Couldn’t you guess? It’s a Koala!! Have you ever been to Australia? Koalas are native of Australia. That’s the only place in the world where you can spot them and that too if you are lucky. First of all, these cute animals are small. Their tailless,…

  • A Great Teacher – Dalai Lama

    A Great Teacher – Dalai Lama

    You must have heard about a great spiritual leader named the Dalai Lama. Whom does it refer to? Let us first understand about a religion called Buddhism. In 520 BC, a great man named Gautama Buddha reached enlightenment. People who followed his preaching were soon called Buddhists. Buddhism is followed all over in Southeast Asia, China and…

  • Landforms That Water Creates

    Landforms That Water Creates

    Do you know what landforms are? Landforms are the natural shapes present on the surface of the Earth. mountains, hills, valleys, rivers, oceans are just few of many natural features that make up our earth. Since our Earth is made up of either land or water, many of its natural features are made up by…

  • Features That Make Up The Earth – Landforms

    Features That Make Up The Earth – Landforms

    Every person has natural physical features – eyes, nose, ears, skin and many more. These features make each person unique. Our Earth has natural features too!! We are not talking about earth having nose, eyes and ears here ;). Earth’s natural features are in the form of its mountains, rivers, valleys etc. These natural shapes…

  • Spies of the Sea – Submarines

    Spies of the Sea – Submarines

    While most boats like to stay afloat, submarines like to stay hidden under the water. Submarines are the boats that can stay underwater and also float on the water. Since they stay more under the water their design is very different from the normal ships. Of course, the first requirement is that it has to…

  • Strange Animals – Sponges!

    Strange Animals – Sponges!

    Is there a mistake in the title of this post? Many people would think so. They think that Sponges are plants and not animals. It would really seem so because sponges stay in one place, and stay attached to an underwater coral or a rock. They don’t have any body parts – as one would expect…

  • History Diggers – Archaeologists

    History Diggers – Archaeologists

    You must have heard about bone diggers or nose diggers, but what is history diggers? Before we come to that let us look at another set of questions. How do we get to know about the history? About something that happened in the past? How did we get to know so much about dinosaurs when…