Category: Facts For Kids
A Very important Metal – Iron
“What is the most important metal for human kind?” Teacher asked the class. A few hands were raised. “Gold”, Jenna answered. “Silver”, Patrick tried. Teacher shook her head and said, ” People don’t realize a lot of times that gold and silver might be very expensive and sought after metals, but they are not the…
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Is the photograph tilted ? No! It seems to be fine then there must be something wrong with the building in the photograph. Oh yes! It is the building that is tilted. It is called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was originally named the Tower of Pisa and is located in the town of…
Bugs That Don’t Bug – Insects
Bugs. Pests. Insects. Ants crawling, flies sitting on food and mosquitoes buzzing in your ears. They are everywhere. You like to swat them, spray at them, shoo them away. What would you not do to get rid of them? All insects start out as eggs, that hatch into larva. Now this larva keeps popping out…
Atoms, Molecules, Matter
The tiniest bit that makes up everything around us is called an atom. The chair you sit on, the school bag you carry, the chocolate cake you love to eat, that vegetable sandwich that you do not like so much, and even you, just everything is made up of atoms. The chair is made of…
History of Farming
Today, everybody knows that farming is the most important activity that humans need to do in order to survive. However, that was not true 12,000 years ago. Humans then were hunters and gatherers. They hunted the animals and gathered plants. Like nomads, they moved from one place to another when food supply was diminished. They could…
Lines That Tell The Way – Maps
Since morning Mom and dad had been neatly hiding the clues all around the backyard and the house. Today was Easter and five of my closest friends were going to join me for Easter egg treasure hunt in the evening. I was to told to stay in my room until my parents were done. I…
Distance From The Stars
The shining little star is definitely not little, but it is really far. In fact, the stars are so far that the astronomers cannot measure them in the conventional units of measurement like Kilometers. How do they measure these distances then? They took the fastest moving thing in the universe which is light. These distances…
Imaginary News
Stella was late to school. “Why?” Her teacher asked. Stella explained that she prepared breakfast, got her little brother ready and helped mom. This is what made her late for school. The teacher was not very convinced and asked her again why she was late for school. She just smiled sheepishly and said, “I woke…
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was a South African politician. He was the first black president of the South Africa. He served as president from 1994 to 1999. The world lost him on 5th December 2103 at the age of 95. Nelson Mandela was born as Rolihlahla Mandela on July 18, 1918, in a small village Mvezo, in…
The World of Primates
We all use words such as monkey and apes for primates interchangeably, but do they really mean the same. Let us find out. Humans, apes, monkeys and lemurs are all primates. All except humans live in the thicket of forest and trees. Swinging from tree to tree with the help of hands feet and tail,…
There is something very interesting about English language. Many a times you can change the meaning of a word by adding a group of letters after it. Yes, that is true! Just add a letter or more and change the meaning! This group of one or more letters and is known as a suffix. The…
Devil’s Triangle – The Bermuda Triangle
The geography class for the sixth graders was really interesting today. Miss May had been talking about an island called Bermuda and introduced a strange place called the ‘Devil’s triangle”. There is a triangular region in the Atlantic ocean with Miami, San Juan and the island of Bermuda, Miss May had told the class. Strange…