Category: Facts For Kids

  • What I Want To Be

    What I Want To Be

      I want to be a sailor mamma, And sail the seas I want to be a naturalist papa, And climb some trees I want to be an archaeologist, And dig underneath I want to be a historian, And study history I want to be an engineer, And build many things I want to be…

  • George Washington

    George Washington

    The patriot army was an army of misfits. They were not formally trained, did not have enough weapons, their number far lesser than the British army. But they had their charismatic captain who was the saviour. This tall man standing at more than six feet had fought the French and Indian war with the British.…

  • The Story of Buddha

    The Story of Buddha

    It was a lovely evening. It had just drizzled. The cool breeze gently hit the little boy’s face who was walking barefoot on the wet, lush green grass. The breeze carried with it a pleasant smell of wet mud blended with the scent freshly blossomed roses. The little boy was loving it. He wanted to soak…

  • Tallest Woody Grass

    Tallest Woody Grass

    Do you what is the name of this giant grass? Bamboo! Yes bamboo is a woody grass!! This woody grass is quite special. It is used as a food source, for construction, for decorating the house. It is very good for soil too. Bamboo has immense potential for checking soil erosion. Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing…

  • Trouble in the Museum

    Trouble in the Museum

    “What’s your brother doing?” Gina pointed across the room. There was Neil standing on one leg and twisting his body in a strange manner. Just like the bronze statue in front. All his classmates around him were having a good laugh. Even the other visitors in the room! I noticed a couple near the entrance…

  • Amazing Natural Wonders

    Amazing Natural Wonders

    The Great Blue Hole:  is a large sinkhole in the middle of the sea off the coast of Belize. The hole is circular in shape, over 300 m (984 ft) across and 124 m (407 ft) deep. It is one of the most famous spots for scuba diving as there is plenty of marine life. Lake Hillier: is a part of  Recherche Archipelago located…

  • What is Space Junk?

    What is Space Junk?

    So we have littered the streets, rivers, the mountains and now the humans have put junk in outer space also. You must be imagining banana peels or Pepsi cans floating in space. Is that what is defined as space junk or space debris? Let’s explain, space waste is the collection of unused objects in orbit around Earth. It might be used rocket…

  • What is a Harbour?

    What is a Harbour?

    A harbor, harbour or a haven is a place to take shelter or refuge from difficult weather or any other danger. Usually it is used as a safe place for ships, boats or barges. Sometimes harbors are confused with ports or docks. A port is a safe place for vessels and it is equipped for loading…

  • Special Doctors

    Special Doctors

      Tommy was not feeling too well so mom took him to the Paediatrician. Since he fell and his leg was hurting the paediatrician sent him to the orthopaedics department. While he was in the waiting room he noticed a board full of names of the doctors and their specialty.  He was surprised because he just…

  • April Fools Day

    April Fools Day

    Aha! The day to play pranks, pull tricks and be mischievous is back again! April 1st – fun-filled April Fools day is also known as All Fools day  in some countries. Do you have any idea about the origin this day that makes you giggle and laugh so much? Here is what history says. Up until late…

  • All About Good Friday

    All About Good Friday

    Good Friday is a Christian tradition to mark the day when Jesus Christ, the son of God, was nailed to the cross. This is often known as crucification of Lord Jesus. It was on this day that Jesus was beaten and tortured because he claimed to be the son of God.  A crown of  thorns was…

  • Ming’s Kite

    Ming’s Kite

    Ming was a happy eight year old boy. His father was a fisherman and Ming always wanted to go sailing and fishing with him. One day Ming’s  father was going for fishing and it was very windy. Ming was sad because his father did not want to take him along as the sea was very…