Category: Facts For Kids

  • Temba’s Dream

    Temba’s Dream

    What’s your idea of a cool birthday celebration? A party with friends, lots of gifts and a yummy cake? How about setting a new world record? That’s exactly what Temba Tsheri Sherpa did when he turned sixteen! In May 2001, he became the youngest person to climb the Mt. Everest, shortly after celebrating his birthday…

  • Remarkable Russia

    Remarkable Russia

    Which is the largest country that spreads in two continents? Which country has its closest point just 4 km away from the US? Which country has the largest lake in Europe? Which country believes in a lady ‘Santa Claus’ ? Of course, it is the remarkable Russia.  Russia covers 1/7th of the total land of our…

  • Have You Ever Tried?

    Have You Ever Tried?

    Hey try doing these things, and you will find it impossible- To sneeze with your eyes open? To lick your own elbow? To count the stars in the sky? To make a pig look up in the sky? To speak “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” ? To make a horse vomit? yep horses cannot…

  • Why Does Hair Turn Grey?

    Why Does Hair Turn Grey?

    Have you observed that your grandparents have lots of grey hair? In fact, that’s the case with all old people. Ever wonder where does hair color disappear as one grows older? Our hair is made up of two parts – Shaft and Root. The long shiny strings that grow out of our heads is shaft. Root…

  • The Lazy Sleepers

    The Lazy Sleepers

    All of us like to cuddle the pillow and sleep for long hours specially on the weekends, but are all of us lazy sleepers? Oh! No  we are nowhere close to armadillos and sloths when it comes to sleeping. They take long beauty sleep which lasts for 15-20 hours in a day. Did you know…

  • Colors That Make All Other Colors

    Colors That Make All Other Colors

    RED, YELLOW AND BLUE Did you know that most of the colors that you see around us are mixtures of two or more colors? The colors red, blue, and yellow when mixed create many other colors. But these three colors cannot be created from the other colors. In fact, red, blue and yellow when mixed in…

  • Natural New Zealand

    Natural New Zealand

    New Zealand is an island country in the south western Pacific Ocean that has two main Islands ‒ North and South Island. They are separated by a narrow channel called Cook Strait, named after English captain James Cook. Australia is its nearest neighboring country. New Zealand some say is the piece of land that separated from the super continent millions of years ago. But another…

  • Prehistoric Humans

    Prehistoric Humans

    Who were prehistoric humans?  What does it mean? Hmm. Let us start by explaining what pre-history means. Pre-history is the time before the inventions of writing. We have no written records of those times. Pre-historic time is a bit different from different civilizations. For example,  in places like Ancient Egypt, things were recorded from very early times…

  • Hercules, The Hero

    Hercules, The Hero

    Hercules (HR-ku-leez) was a great Greek hero who was half human and half God. His father was the famous Greek God Zues. Hercules was not considered to be God initially, but because of his bravery and heroic deeds, he was finally given a place amongst gods. Hercules had immense strength when he was little. Once he saved his twin brother from two…

  • Sheila’s Special Christmas

    Sheila’s Special Christmas

    It was all Sandy’s fault that I was again doing my project on Gina’s laptop. And she was jabbering non-stop into my ear. “Interested in the chess tournament at school?” “Hmmm…” I mumbled, focusing hard on my work, “What’s the prize?” “It’s a laptop.” “A laptop!” I totally needed a laptop. My old computer was…

  • The Red Eyed Beauty

    The Red Eyed Beauty

    Who is this beauty that I am talking about? Am I talking about some girl with beautifully painted red eyes? No. Am I talking about a cousin of Red Riding Hood? No. The red eyed beauty I am talking about is a FROG !! What! Did you just say that’s a funny joke. Haven’t you…

  • Living Next to The Sun – Mercury

    Living Next to The Sun – Mercury

    If Sun always has a fever then its neighbor  Mercury,  would definitely feel unusually hot. It is indeed very hot during the day time (almost 400 Degrees). However, since Mercury has no atmosphere to hold the heat in, it becomes extremely cold in the nights. Mercury’s surface looks remarkably similar to our moon filled with craters…