Category: Nature News

  • Look Who’s Back Again

    Look Who’s Back Again

    Knock knock Who’s there? Pinocchio Pinocchio who? Its Pinocchio the lizard, Boo!! The joke must be getting really popular amongst the Pinocchio lizards these days. After disappearing for almost 50 years and  making scientists believe that may be the species is extinct, they have resurfaced again in the cloud forests of Ecuador! Pinocchio anoles (anole is a name…

  • Attack of The Giant Hornets!

    Attack of The Giant Hornets!

    Northern China is under attack. Which country has attacked China, you might ask? Not a country, but Asian giant hornets have decided to attack humans for the past few months. Since July, people living in the cities of Ankang, Hanzhong and Shangluo in Shaanxi province have been attacked by the hornets and getting seriously injured…

  • Largest Volcano on Earth

    Largest Volcano on Earth

    A volcano that is as big as the state of New Mexico or France, as large as giant volcanoes on the Mars, have been found on Earth. How did it lay hidden for such a long time? Because it was hiding under water. Tamu Massif  is located about 1,000 miles east of Japan and is…

  • Sinkhole Eats Up Trees

    Sinkhole Eats Up Trees

    In March 2013 a man living peacefully in his Florida home disappeared out of the blue swallowed by a sinkhole. Yes! The sleeping man just disappeared! This time it was turn of some unsuspecting trees. The group of trees was sucked up by a sinkhole in Louisiana, a state located in the southern region of The…

  • Globe on An Ostrich Egg

    Globe on An Ostrich Egg

    A Belgian map collector might have gotten hold of what is believed to be the oldest globe. Guess what this globe is carved on? An ostrich egg! Isn’t that unique? The rare globe was bought by Stefaan Missinne, a Belgian art collector in the London map fair in 2012. The map and its Latin inscriptions…

  • The Shrinking Everest!

    The Shrinking Everest!

    World’s tallest mountain Mt. Everest is losing its height and you can blame global warming for that. It has lost a lot of snow cover since 1963, the ice is melting because of higher temperatures. There was  a report in 2012 that the glaciers are melting was established by the research of Yao Tandong. Mr. Tandong…

  • Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Alarmingly High

    Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Alarmingly High

    First time in millions of years, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been found to be alarmingly high. The levels have been recorded at dangerously high number of 400 parts per million. The readings were noted by US government agency lab on Hawaii that measure daily levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. It has been doing…

  • Italy Struck By A Huge Tornado

    Italy Struck By A Huge Tornado

    A devastating tornado has hit Emilio-Romagna, a region in northern Italy. So far twelve people have been injured but the damage done is  that of millions of dollars. Emilia-Romagna is one of the richest, most developed regions in Europe. The region is also a cultural and tourist centre, being the home of the University of Bologna,…

  • Puerto Rico’s New Law to Protect Turtles

    Puerto Rico’s New Law to Protect Turtles

      Puerto Rico comprises an archipelago that includes the main island of Puerto Rico and a number of smaller islands. The island’s coastline is a huge nesting site for the leatherback turtles. The leatherback turtle are the world’s largest turtle, and sadly are highly endangered. For years developers had been wanting to build hotels close to the…

  • Tornado Hits Mississipi

    Tornado Hits Mississipi

    A powerful tornado struck Mississipi, a U.S. state located in the Southern United States. It destroyed many homes and snapped power lines causing power cuts. A tornado is a violent rotating column of air that forms between a thunderstorm and the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of huge destruction with wind speeds of up…

  • Extinct Lizard not Extinct anymore

    Extinct Lizard not Extinct anymore

    A PhD student of Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES) and his team recently spotted a rare lizard in Orissa. The lizard, Jeypore ground gecko, was thought to be extinct as it was last spotted in 1877 by a British colonel RH Beddome. Scientists are thrilled with the rediscovery as it does not happen everyday that species, thought to…

  • Tornado hits Bangladesh

    Tornado hits Bangladesh

    A monstrous tornado hit the South East Bangladesh on Friday tearing through about 20 villages in its way. So far 21 people are dead and more than 200 injured. The tornado destroyed many houses, blocked roads, overturned buses and cut out power supply – doing a lot of damage there. It will take many weeks…