Favorite Disney Characters in the Sky, Photocredit:disney.in

Favourite Disney Characters in the sky!!

Disney Channel is taking a planeload of people to Disneyland, Hong Kong. For this, Jet Airways aircraft, a Boeing 737 – 800, painted with Disney characters all over was launched in Mumbai.

Favourite Disney Characters in the Sky, Photocredit:The Hindu

In order to participate in Disney Channel’s ‘Jet Set Go’ campaign, children had to spot an animated Jet Airways aircraft which appeared on the Disney Channel throughout the campaign period. Children could then accumulate points each time they spot the aircraft by giving a missed call to a toll-free number flashing on the screen, absolutely free of cost. Children who spotted the animated plane the maximum number of times earned maximum points. The contest is now closed. The 33 chosen winners and their families selected by Disney Channel will soon be visiting Disneyland in Hong Kong.

Favourite Disney Characters in the Sky, Photocredit:firstpost.com

Missed a chance to board this time? Never mind.. There is always a next time. But for now wouldn’t it be lovely to see your favourite disney characters flying high in the sky !!

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One response to “Favourite Disney Characters in the sky!!”

  1. Simran Avatar

    i want to disney jet set 2 contest can you tell me how to win please………………..and please because disney is my fav…. channl

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