
Henry Who Loved to Sleep

There was once a lazy boy Henry, he had a very hardworking mother. Now Henry was a nice and simple boy but there was one problem. He just could not stop sleeping. One day his mother got really angry and said , “Henry you have to go out and find work.”

He loved his mother dearly so the next day he went on to find some work.

He reached a farm and asked the farmer if he could help the farmer for one day. The farmer was glad and offered him a silver coin in return for his work. Henry agreed. On his way back home he was skipping and flipping the silver coin which by mistake fell in a river. When he reached home his mother asked what the farmer paid him.

“A silver coin, but I kept flipping it and it fell in the river.”, He said.

“You should have carried it in your pocket, Henry.” She said, a bit annoyed.

Simple Henry thought that his mother was right and he decided to follow her advice the next time. This time he worked for a farmer who offered him a jug of honey.  He kept the jug of honey in his pocket. When he reached home his pockets were stuck with honey which was all wasted now.

“That’s a waste, Henry “, His mother said angrily.

“Why did you not carry it on you head? “.

“Next time I will surely remember mama!”. Henry said smilingly.

The next day he went to a farmer who had a lot of cows. When he was done the farmer gave him a big piece of cheese to carry home. Henry remembered what his mother had said and put the cheese on the top of his head. The cheese crumbled on his way and there was only a little left on his hair.

“Oh Henry! ” His mother gasped, ” You should have wrapped it in a cloth and carried it over your shoulder.”

“Okay mama!, I will know better next time.” Henry said. The following week Henry worked for a cattle farmer, who gave him a fine donkey as a reward for his hard work.

Henry quickly wrapped him in a cloth and carried him over his shoulders. Everywhere he went people laughed at him for carrying the donkey. Slowly he crossed the King’s castle where a princess lived who was always very sad. She was looking out of the window when Henry was crossing. As soon as she saw Henry she could not stop laughing and said to her father “Look that is the silliest thing I have ever seen.”

Now this princess had never spoken a word or laughed in her life ever. The king  immediately sent his soldiers to get the young boy. The king requested Henry to marry the princess and live there with them.

Henry did not have to worry about a thing after that. And his mother napped happily whenever she wanted. She was now very proud of Henry.



Kinooze Little Writers Program


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2 responses to “Henry Who Loved to Sleep”

  1. Prarthana Avatar

    wonderful story!

  2. disha Avatar

    really nice story

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