
Hey, you must have seen Ninjas in movies or cartoons? If I ask you what do Ninjas do – you will say that they fight! But what do they fight for? Where do they come from?

Ninjas were Japanese fighters who lived in Japan about 700 years ago. These warriors were originally called shinobi-no-mono. Also, Ninjas were not just fighters, they were fighters who were also spies!!

Ninjas received special training from very young age.They had to be expert at handling swords, throwing knives, spears, bows and wore a weapon for fist called tagaki. However, the main weapon of Ninja was the sword. They used metallic claws on their feet which helped them for climbing and protection for feet hits. Apart from this, Ninjas also had to know about explosive and poisonous substances, to be a good path finder and to survive in difficult situations.

These trained ninjas worked on the order of their masters. They secretly gathered information about the enemy and destroyed enemy’s food and weapon supplies when needed. A ninja usually wore black clothes which helped him to hide in the dark. They almost sound like modern day cammandos, don’t they?

Japanese believe that a Ninja had some special magical powers that helped him  fly!! No wonder ninja is almost considered a superman in the history of Japan!

Kinooze Little Writers Program


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7 responses to “Ninjas!”

  1. gayatri Avatar

    wow!I’m out of words.

  2. Esha Avatar

    awesome. do ninja’s still exist in real?

  3. kinooze Avatar

    Good question! Similar martial art is still being practiced but the real Ninjas don’t exist anymore.

  4. shash Avatar

    COOL!!!!!! Can the Tagaki injure somebody or will it knock them unconscious?

  5. mason Avatar

    Maybe, but if they are we will never know!

  6. Mia Avatar

    I take ninja lessons.

  7. lesyuan Avatar

    there real name is shinobi

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