Electric Cars are here

Road that Charges the Electric Cars! So Cool!

Electric cars are becoming very common these days and I am sure you would find one or two in your neighborhood when you look around. These cars run off batteries and since they do not dirty our air – are much “cleaner” option compared to regular petrol-driven cars. But there is one problem with Electric cars. Just like the toy cars or the remote control cars you have in your homes – these Electric cars need to recharge frequently. Most cars would not be able to go more than 200-300 kilometers without recharging. And recharging comes with two problems. One – it is very difficult to find charging ports everywhere. Two – it takes a long time to recharge a full size Electric car – more than 5-6 hours – which means you would have to wait for the car to gain back full energy.

Electric car recharge

Researchers are trying to find solutions to this problem. First, they are developing batteries that can be swapped easily. And now another wonderful invention – recharging roads. Engineers  are developing a way to charge electric cars from little “energy” coils embedded into the road ( these are in fact magnetic coils that can provide energy ). The cars can then absorb the “charge” while on the road – meaning that you would never have to make a charging stop again. Cool isn’t it?


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