Why is Plastic Harmful for Environment?

Why is Plastic Harmful for Environment?

You must have observed that grocery shops these days do not use plastic bags. They hand out all your things in either paper bags or cloth bags. So what happened to the plastic bags that we used? There is a reason plastic is slowly disappearing. In fact, it is a conscious effort by everyone as plastic is very harmful for our environment. Of course, now you would want to know why.

Whenever we throw something like paper, food peels, leaves etc there are small tiny creatures in nature – the bacteria – who eat these things up or turn them into useful products that nature loves.  These things are called ‘Biodegradable’.
‘Non-Biodegradable‘ things, on the other hand, like glass, steel and plastic – can not be turned into useful, nature friendly products. The bacteria just can’t eat them up or break them up.

Plastic is harmful because it is ‘Non-Biodegradable’. When thrown on land it makes the soil less fertile. When thrown in water it chokes our ponds, rivers and oceans and harms the sea life. If animals eat plastic, it gets stuck in their tummy and makes them sick. Why? because the bacteria in their stomach cannot break the plastic up into smaller pieces.

Factories that make plastic have to make tons of them every day because people ask for plastic bags – in shopping malls, grocery stores, everywhere. We can help these factories by giving back the unused plastic bags in our house – this is called “Recycling”. Recycling helps factories make fresh plastic by using the old ones. We can also help by using  cloth bags for shopping instead of plastic bags. Imagine if all of us stop asking for plastic bags the factories will have no reason to make them – they can then start making beautiful cloth bags.

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43 responses to “Why is Plastic Harmful for Environment?”

  1. Dayita Avatar

    Helpful in my chemistry project. thanks

  2. sidney Avatar

    wow!!!! kool!!

  3. jacob Avatar

    this was rill useful on my essay, thx a lot!!!

  4. hari Avatar

    this is useful for my project! ! !

  5. joseph Avatar

    This will help me on my speech. Thank you! :)

  6. tanu shree Avatar
    tanu shree

    we should not use plastics. It is really very harmful.

  7. tanu shree Avatar
    tanu shree

    i will reduce the use of plastic

  8. vijay prakash gupta Avatar
    vijay prakash gupta

    I am a student of central institute of plastic engineering $ technology.
    I do many experiment with plastic so I say that don’t use plastic it is very harmful & dangerous for human life.
    If u use plastic then don’t through it anywhere;keep it ur charity to recycle it.
    It is my request……..Thanks a lot …….

  9. Akshaya Avatar

    Helped me into chemistry debate. Only if u could upgrade the explanation.

  10. Fransisco Avatar

    It help me in my IDP

  11. Divyansha Avatar

    Really very wonderful helped me in speech writing… We should also not use plastic i promise i will not use it instead i will use paper bag.

  12. sam Avatar

    really interesting facts.

  13. Eric Cao Avatar
    Eric Cao

    Actually, if we all recycled, there would be no need to ban or make more plastic. We wouldn’t have to ban plastic, because if we recycled them properly, it wouldn’t end up in the animals stomach, or other places it wasn’t supposed to be. If we recycled them properly, we wouldn’t have to make more plastic, therefore less materials are used.

  14. Itumelengmongala Avatar

    Very cool and also made me improve on my class exam.

  15. Shayana Avatar

    Thanks it helps me in my science project.

  16. Rohan Avatar

    Thank you so much for this!
    This really helped me for my project :)

  17. preet 11 Avatar
    preet 11

    This helped in my science project. Thanks a lot this was very useful information and from now on I will never use plastics bags.

  18. Aravind Avatar

    Helpful in my project work

  19. p.rajesh kumar Avatar
    p.rajesh kumar

    I Thank It Because It Helped In My SCIENCE Skit
    Thanks For Good Information I Never Use PLASTIC BAGS

  20. TRISHA DAS Avatar


  21. Tanusree Avatar

    Thanks for my eve project

  22. mrs. kimbely.wimbish Avatar
    mrs. kimbely.wimbish

    what inside the plastic cause people have health problems?

  23. Alex Avatar

    This was super useful information for my project. Thank you :)

  24. Alexa Avatar

    this really helped me with my project. which made me improve a lot in science ^-^ thank you for the information!!!

  25. janiese coats Avatar
    janiese coats

    This was pretty helpful! This is for a book report, and it gave me a lot of facts about the plastic bags! So if I could I would give this Website a THUMBS UP! Yay thank you! :) XD

  26. janiese coats Avatar
    janiese coats

    that’s true Eric Cao people should recycle and the world would be a better place! and u might think this is an adult, but im not I m a kid im 13 and I have to do a report on this so…. ya but this is pretty interesting :) :) :):):(

  27. ARSHIYA Avatar

    Really helpful for my power point presentation. THANKYOU!!

  28. hardik mukhija Avatar
    hardik mukhija

    This hepled me in my chemistry holiday homework!!!:)

  29. Julia Avatar

    Plastic can be recycled but not decomposed, so it pollutes the environment. There are few things we can do to prevent this.

  30. Zoufishan Avatar

    This was super useful information for my project. Thank you

  31. carl carlson Avatar
    carl carlson

    this really helped me with my poster on apocalyptic house plants, thanks :)

  32. SWATI AGARWAL Avatar

    wow and it’s really true that plastic is harmful and this app also tells us in detail that it is harmful for humans , animals and plants

  33. Biswaroop Sinha Avatar
    Biswaroop Sinha

    Very much helpful in my chemistry project

  34. Piyush Avatar

    Yes you are correct

  35. E Avatar

    How is plastic, something that is detremental to the ecosystem, quote, “kool!!!”? Plastic is killing marine life everywhere, starving turtles and killing whales! That is the complete opposite of what I would say.

  36. Sue Avatar

    I’m glad to see more stores charging for plastic bags! We usually shop at Aldi, so we’re used to bringing our own bags, anyway.

  37. Liz Avatar

    It is not “kool” plastic in the oceans are a really big problem!!!!

  38. Archana Negi Avatar
    Archana Negi

    Thanks for information. This is useful for speech.

  39. Gareth Avatar

    Nearly all plastic is recycled and turned into diesel which is used to power electric generators, vehicles and farm machinery etc. Plastic bags dry out into a fine dust if left in the hot sun so they do decompose but these can also be melted along with the plastic bottles and refined into oil or fuel.
    Thousands of village recycling centres across Thailand buy all types of plastic among other packaging materials so none is wasted or discarded.
    If you country is failing to do this then it must change.

  40. LGO Avatar

    Thanks a lot, this is going to help me with my school essay

  41. jimmy Avatar

    Wow, this is really helpful thanks.

  42. ellie Avatar

    this really helped me in my year 7 project

  43. joe nuts Avatar
    joe nuts

    this is alright just basic its like going to a food shop and asking for food but not say what kind overall its okay

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