Category: Facts For Kids

  • Magnificent Mexico

    Magnificent Mexico

    If you wanted to visit a country that has mountains, canyons, deserts and green jungles then Mexico would be a good choice. It has all. It is a big country spread under blue skies and sunshine. Mexico is nestled between the two sparkling oceans. Almost 7000 years ago, when its neighbors US and Canada were savage…

  • Health Food For Earth – Compost

    Health Food For Earth – Compost

    You eat junk food. But you are always told to eat more of healthy food. Why? Healthy food has nutrients that are essential for your body. Earth needs to eat healthy food too. It needs nutrients to replenish itself. One way Earth does it is by eating compost. What is compost? Compost is organic material like dry…

  • Beethoven


    A person who plays musical instruments is known as a musician. Musicians who know how to create new music pieces are called composers. All composers are musicians but all musicians are not composers. Think :) Listen to this. One of the greatest musicians and composers of all times – Beethoven, composed this masterpiece called ‘Ode…

  • How the Earth was Made?

    How the Earth was Made?

    And God created Earth… Our Earth. It is a very special planet. It is so unique that its presence just feels like a miracle, none of the other planets of our Solar system are that special. The rest of the space that we have explored so far only shows a possibility of another planet like…

  • All About Sochi Olympics

    All About Sochi Olympics

    A little bit about Sochi Sochi is a city in Krasnodar Kai in Russia. The city is located on the Black sea coast near the border between Russia and Georgia. It is one of very few Russian places that have warm summers and mild winters compared to most of Russia. In winters, the temperature drops…

  • Exploring Space

    Exploring Space

    I know that you know the basic stuff about space. You know that there is a Sun. And that there are planets that revolve around the sun. There are moons and stars. What else do you know? You know that our Earth is the only planet that has life. Humans, a term that we use for…

  • Count The Spots On Me – Leopard

    Count The Spots On Me – Leopard

    Well, can you count the spots on a leopard? No. You can not put a number. Every leopard has a different number of spots on their fur. The spots also vary in shapes and sizes from leopard to leopard. Do you know that these spots on leopard skin are called ‘rosettes’? Why? If you observe them carefully, they…

  • World’s Most Beloved Bear

    World’s Most Beloved Bear

    It was my favorite bear when I was a kid, and I am sure it is yours. It is none other than adorable, lovable Winnie the pooh. Do you ever wonder who brought Winnie to life? Who named him? Who was the first kid ever to read about him? Would you like to know some interesting facts about…

  • Winter Olympics

    Winter Olympics

    Olympics is the ultimate sporting event where countries from all seven continents come together to compete in various sporting events. When people say Olympics, they usually refer to the ‘Summer Olympics’ because it includes sports that are more popular. But Olympics comprises of Summer and Winter Olympics. Winter Olympics includes sports that are played in winters and  usually…

  • Who was Charles Darwin?

    Who was Charles Darwin?

    On the morning of 27th December, 1831 Charles stood at the rail of this great ship HMS Beagle. Wind blowing in his face and hair. He looked down to where the water lapped on its sides. Robert Fitzroy, the captain of Beagle was busy with the last minutes preparations as the Beagle was ready to…

  • The UnderGround Treasures – Minerals

    The UnderGround Treasures – Minerals

    Treasures are not only found in safes and caves. They are embedded in the Earth’s crust and are everywhere. Hmm.. What treasures can these be? Minerals are the natural treasures from which the Earth’s crust is made. How are they formed? Do they grow on trees? They are not like plants. They do not grow…

  • All About Rivers

    All About Rivers

    On the way to her grandparent’s new house, Liv saw a river flowing. She wondered how and where does a river start and where does it end? It filled Liv with immense curiosity. Have you ever thought about it? Do you have an answer to Liv’s question? Here is the answer. A river starts somewhere…