Author: Kinooze Learning
Strange Animals – Sponges!
Is there a mistake in the title of this post? Many people would think so. They think that Sponges are plants and not animals. It would really seem so because sponges stay in one place, and stay attached to an underwater coral or a rock. They don’t have any body parts – as one would expect…
New Jersey Shipwreck Identified
A shipwreck near the coastline of New Jersey was found by fishermen in 1970s. It had been quite a haven for the divers over the past 30 years. However, no one knew the name of the ship. Well, that mystery is finally solved. In June 2013, a team of government and university maritime archaeologists identified the…
History Diggers – Archaeologists
You must have heard about bone diggers or nose diggers, but what is history diggers? Before we come to that let us look at another set of questions. How do we get to know about the history? About something that happened in the past? How did we get to know so much about dinosaurs when…
Dream Job at NASA
How about if I tell you that all you have to do as a part of the job is rest in bed for 70 days? Yes. That’s true. Too good to be true? How? Microgravity, that is very weak gravity in space has always been a health concern for astronauts travelling in space for extended periods.…
A Very important Metal – Iron
“What is the most important metal for human kind?” Teacher asked the class. A few hands were raised. “Gold”, Jenna answered. “Silver”, Patrick tried. Teacher shook her head and said, ” People don’t realize a lot of times that gold and silver might be very expensive and sought after metals, but they are not the…
Our DNA, Our History
Don’t we all wonder about our ancestors. Many a times our parents share some unique story about our great grandparents who were either freedom fighters or royals. Is there a way of discovering the history of your family tree? Maybe a way to find the migrations that your ancestors did. There is a way. National Geographic’s…
A Big Cat
(Nathasha, 9, writes the first part of this multi-part thrilling story) The bell rang, and the school was over for two weeks of holiday. Jane and her friend Holly walked home. Suddenly, a brightly colored poster caught Jane’s eye. She read it, and since she had no plans for the holiday, she knew exactly how…
Bugs That Don’t Bug – Insects
Bugs. Pests. Insects. Ants crawling, flies sitting on food and mosquitoes buzzing in your ears. They are everywhere. You like to swat them, spray at them, shoo them away. What would you not do to get rid of them? All insects start out as eggs, that hatch into larva. Now this larva keeps popping out…
Atoms, Molecules, Matter
The tiniest bit that makes up everything around us is called an atom. The chair you sit on, the school bag you carry, the chocolate cake you love to eat, that vegetable sandwich that you do not like so much, and even you, just everything is made up of atoms. The chair is made of…
Mission Mars One
Mars One has to be the most ambitious mission in the history of space. It talks about sending humans to the red planet by year 2023. So whats the big deal about it, you might think ? The big deal is that the mission plans to send four humans to Mars in 2023 not to…
The Thinnest Glass
Sometimes strange discoveries are done by chance. Imagine their surprise when researchers at Cornell and Germany’s University of Ulm discovered that they had unknowingly created the thinnest glass. Their discovery is recorded in Guinness Book of World Records. David A. Muller, professor of applied and engineering physics and director of the Kavli Institute at Cornell found it.…
Farming in Space?
What do astronauts eat in space? Till now, astronauts pack their food and carry it to space. The cooked food that they take to space is freeze dried. It means that all the water from the cooked food is drained out, and it is packed in vacuum bags so that it doesn’t get spoiled. This…