Author: Kinooze Learning
The Wonderful World
(Eight year old Sneha imagines a wonderful world.) The sky is blue The plants are green The nature is good The environment is clean The trees are full of life The humans are happy The women are chatting The men are working hard The children are playing The animals are friendly The world is joyful…
New mammal Discovered
New scientific discoveries are not very uncommon these days. But to discover that an animal that scientists for years mislabelled as an existing mammal called Olingo, is actually a new mammal altogether is thrilling and absurd both. The new mammal has been named olinguito. The animal looks like one with body of a raccoon and face…
Brave Little Andy
(Myra, 9, writes a story about brave heart Andy) Once there was a little boy. His name was Andy. He had a beloved sister named Andrea. He and his sister had a peculiar fascination for animals. Every day they would admire the colourful birds and insects in their beautiful garden. Once a month their parents…
All about National Anthems
William is from England. He is preparing to watch his favourite sport on television. It is a soccer match between the football teams of England and Scotland. Just before the game starts, all the English players line up to sing God Save the Queen, the national anthem of the United Kingdom. It was customary. The…
Finding Clown Fish
Remember the famous orange fish with white stripes. Marlin and Nemo are the most famous clown fishes ever. The Disney movie that made them famous was “Finding Nemo”. There are 28 known species of clown fish living in warm waters of the Red Sea, Western Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. Clown fish is also called clown anemone…
Amazing Dog Facts
I have to admit that I am a little biased when it comes to pets. I love dogs. There is no other animal I can think of having as my constant companion other than a dog. I love their looks and their overwhelmingly loving, friendly demeanor. They are smart animals too. We all know how…
Venice of the North – Giethoorn
A famous and beautiful village in Netherlands. Giethoorn. What make it more special is the fact that it has no roads. No cars, no buses. I wonder how the people move around in this village. Well, the village is connected by canals and people park boats, not cars in their garages. That is why it is…
Monday Mornings
(Zeal, 10, writes an inspiring poem about Monday mornings) Monday mornings.. uggh hate them. Nah! The rattlings of sun flowers, whispering of birds, twinkling of sunshine, A PERFECT MORNING! Backback on, breakfast in tummy, Ready to go, Get.. Set… Go! In school, with friends, talking,chit chatting, playing, laughing,dancing, LOVING IT! Love them.., Love what? MONDAY…
Saira’s Eid
Saira got up early today in excitement. Today was the much awaited festival of Eid-ul-fitr. The festival marked the end of Ramadan – an entire month of dawn-to-sunset fasting. Ramadan is the month where Muslims around the world focus entirely on the Lord and thank Him for his blessings. During Ramadan time, they pray a…
Barbie Goes to Space
Mattel makes the most famous Barbies. NASA makes astronauts. What happens when NASA and Mattel come together? An astronaut Barbie. This new version of Barbie was released on August 5. That was a special day as Curiosity landed on Mars an year ago on this date. Where ever there is Barbie there has to be…
Emma’s Group Project
Emma got back from school, hugged her mother and started dancing. Mom was glad to see her excited, and wondered what had happened that made Emma happy. “Tell me what is so exciting?” Mom asked. “We are starting group activities from tomorrow, and we will do art and craft and so many fun things. The…