Category: Just Anything

  • A Pledge To Save Earth!

    A Pledge To Save Earth!

    This is a guest post written by Ritu Bajaj. Ritu has a MBA in Marketing and has additionally studied Environmental Law from NLSIU India and University of Washington USA. Ritu is passionate about environmental issues and sustainable development and is working on raising awareness about them in her community.    Hi Children, Today is the world…

  • Why should Kids have Probiotics?

    Why should Kids have Probiotics?

    First of all, what are probiotics? Probiotics are the good microorganisms found in our intestines that fight the bad ones to protect our body from illnesses. This in turn helps our body to build up a strong immune system. So now, without doubt, probiotics are good for anyone and especially for kids as they are…

  • Our Kids – Our Reflection

    Our Kids – Our Reflection

    Our kids are our reflection not only in how they look where our genes have to play a role but hugely also in the way they conduct themselves. They are our reflection in every sense of the word. Kids are the most observant beings around. They notice the way we talk and walk. A tiniest twitch of…

  • Is Organic Food better for Kids?

    Is Organic Food better for Kids?

    What is organic food? Organic food is the food which is produced and processed without using any harmful chemical substances such as pesticides, preservatives etc. Not only such foods contain fewer chemical residues, they also retain phenolic compounds- chemicals that act as a plant’s natural defense and happen to be good for our health. You…

  • TV is not a Baby Sitter

    TV is not a Baby Sitter

    Most of us know that but still many a times knowingly or unknowingly use TV as a babysitter. Watching TV is not a problem but only if it is used in moderation. As long as kids are watching age appropriate programs for a limited amount of time it is refreshing for them. This becomes a…

  • Daddy! It is Easy, Use the Plastic money

    Daddy! It is Easy, Use the Plastic money

    The kids of this generation think that parents have a money machine and getting money is as easy as pulling cash out from an ATM or charging it on a plastic card (that is a credit card for grown ups). We as parents often observe that our children don’t appreciate the ‘value of money‘, so…

  • What’s The Use of Nooze?

    What’s The Use of Nooze?

    Do we even need to make our kids read the news? All the parents ask themselves this question sooner or later. But after taking one look at the newspaper we realize  that it is probably not a very good idea to disturb them as the newspapers these days are full of  either failure stories or…

  • Daddy ! Can you Please be a Helicopter?

    Daddy ! Can you Please be a Helicopter?

    This is a very hillarious but insightful incident that I remember happened 3 years ago. My daughter, 6 years old then, was in a deep discussion with her father about what she wants to be when she is a grown up. My son, 2.5 years old, was playing quietly with his blocks nearby. I did not…