Category: Mommy Pangs

  • Nervous Habits

    Nervous Habits

    Many a times parents  suddenly start noticing that their kids are nail biting, hair twirling, blinking incessantly, nose picking, finger tapping, pencil chewing, excessive laughing or tickling. As a parent you wonder why the your kid has suddenly picked up a particular habit? All children go through a phase where if they are nervous, they display it through peculiar…

  • Fitness for Parents

    Fitness for Parents

    This is a guest post by Ashma Gomber. Ashma is currently working with Hewlett Packard India. She is an electrical engineer by profession, an avid reader and a loving mother.     It is wisely said that a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Similarly, healthy parents bring up kids who will be healthy adults…

  • Is Milk a White Lie?

    Is Milk a White Lie?

    My daughter came back from school one day and said that her ma’am had asked her to research for 10 reasons why milk is not beneficial. I was confused and asked her if her teacher wanted her to research on the goodness of milk instead.  She denied and stuck to her own thing and I…

  • How to Keep Your Kid Safe Online

    How to Keep Your Kid Safe Online

      A dad in China hires assassins to kill his son’s avatar! Shocking? Is it? It was a father’s desperate attempt to end his 23-old’s addiction to online games. The confused son finally asked his co-gamers why his avatar was being targeted so much. I can’t say how effective this method was, but as parents…

  • Quality Time

    Quality Time

    This is a guest post written by Ritu Bajaj. Ritu has a MBA in Marketing and has additionally studied Environmental Law from NLSIU India and University of Washington USA. Ritu is passionate about environmental issues and sustainable development and is working on raising awareness about them in her community.    When I decided to become a…

  • Let The Schools Do Their Job!

    Let The Schools Do Their Job!

    This is a guest post by Ashma Gomber. Ashma is currently working with Hewlett Packard India. She is an electrical engineer by profession, an avid reader and a loving mother.     Ooh! My child’s school bag is heavier than our weekly grocery supplies. Oh, he has one test after the other, one competition following previous!…

  • Raising a ‘Touch Me not’

    Raising a ‘Touch Me not’

    An extremely sensitive child brings a lot to this world. They are thoughtful, caring, cautious, give attention to detail, creative and highly emotional. While the gifts of sensitivity are immense, they also become a source of anxiety, especially for the parents. Since such kids are extremely touchy, they cry at the drop of the hat. If they…

  • Is My Child Too Easygoing?

    Is My Child Too Easygoing?

    This is a guest post by Ashma Gomber. Ashma is currently working with Hewlett Packard India. She is an electrical engineer by profession, an avid reader and a loving mother.     I am sure most of us have wondered from time to time “Is my child too easy going”. Well, I can say that we…

  • My Kid is Little Mr. Perfect

    My Kid is Little Mr. Perfect

    You would think that I am the luckiest mother, but nothing would be farther from the truth. My son is a perfectionist. The strange thing is that he  is definitely not getting it from me. I am yet to clean the cabinets that required my attention months ago, and it does not bother me. Initially,…

  • The Chubbier the Better?

    The Chubbier the Better?

        A lot of us believe that the growing kids can eat whatever they want to eat and that too in large quantities. “They will burn if off”, some say. Maybe it was true earlier when the children played a lot. But with the advent of technologies like TV, video games and iPad parents…

  • Do not be a Genie, Just be a Parent

    Do not be a Genie, Just be a Parent

    Be mindful of the temptation of buying just anything and everything for your kids that they desire. Many a times our kids pester us for toys or stuff that their friends have been flaunting. Sometimes immediately, sometimes after a lot of nagging we eventually give in. But should we just keep on buying toys/things for…

  • Power Packed Snack

    Power Packed Snack

    Whenever we have to think of a quick snack for our child, cookies or chips pop up in our head. But do we ever think about dried fruits as snacks? Not so much I guess. Dried fruits are grossly underestimated as snacks which is quite sad because they can be the perfect candidate for tasty…