Category: Wild Life & Nature

  • Jumping Jacks or Squirrels!

    Jumping Jacks or Squirrels!

    Squirrels are the most interesting in the family of rodents. They argue with the birds jumping from tree to tree. And yes how can we forget that their mouths are always full of nuts. These greedy little beauties have the most adorable big eyes and bushy tails. The tail serves a lot of purposes for…

  • Algae and Fungi

    Algae and Fungi

    Algae and Fungi are often confused to be the same but they are both quite different from one another. But first let us start with what are Algae? They are the green slimy blanket the cover most of the rocks or the top of the ponds or a poorly kept aquarium. Fungi on the other…

  • Whale Tales

    Whale Tales

        The gigantic creature of the sea, But not a fish as you guess it would be, Instead its a mammal just like you and me..   W H A L E !! Yes it true. Whale is not a fish but a mammal which means that whales breathes air, have body hair, are…

  • Rainforests of the Sea – Coral Reefs

    Rainforests of the Sea – Coral Reefs

    Puzzled? Are you? Must have heard about the rainforests on the land but “rainforests of the sea”? Yes they do exist. “Rainforests of the sea” is name given to the spectacularly coloured coral reefs. Just like the rainforests are useful to people and wildlife on land, coral reefs are crucial for marine life. Almost one-fourth of…

  • Jungle Friends

    Jungle Friends

    No we are not talking about Disney movies or any other animated movies. We are talking about actual unlikely partners in the animal kingdom. They are the most unlikely creatures that stick together and help each other. Crocodile and Plover: Sometimes you will see the crocodile’s frightful mouth open and a little bird sitting in…

  • The Ever Giving Tree

    The Ever Giving Tree

    Have you ever noticed a coconut shell? If yes, then you must have seen it has three small spots that make it look like a human face with two eyes and a mouth. These strange marking are also the reason behind its name. The coconut got its name from Spanish word ‘cocos’ that means a ‘grinning…

  • No Bees, No Honey, No Apples!

    No Bees, No Honey, No Apples!

    We all know that Honey Bees are always at work, trying to make warm delicious honey. But do you know how they make it? They collect sweet juice nectar from flowers and take it back to the hive, where the other bees change it into honey. Nectar is a clear liquid which is four parts water and…

  • Flutter Flutter

    Flutter Flutter

    If I wasn’t there, birds wouldn’t fly I make them look beautiful, I keep them warm and dry Now quickly guess and tell, Who am I ? Feather…. Correct! All birds have feathers that form a covering on their body. The feathers on the outside are called vaned feathers. These feathers have a hard center, with…

  • Kanga Had a Little Roo

    Kanga Had a Little Roo

    Did you guess what we are talking about? Yes Indeed! It is Mr. Kangaroo! Mr. Kangaroo is the largest marsupial in the world.  Marsupials are a group of mammals that give birth to their young at an early stage of their development. Therefore, after their birth, the young one crawls up a pouch located on the mother’s…

  • Amazon Rainforest Animals

    Amazon Rainforest Animals

    The Amazon rainforest has the largest collection of plants and animal species in the world. One in five of all the fish and the bird species live in the Amazon River and its rain-forest. Interesting Amazon Rainforest Animal Facts And some of the unique Amazon Wildlife found in the rainforests: Scarlet Macaw – are the…

  • Kookaburra Sits on the Old Gum Tree

    Kookaburra Sits on the Old Gum Tree

    Kookaburra are natives to Australia. They are the largest of the kingfisher  species even though they weigh half a pound. Kookaburras are carnivorous and feed on a wide variety of prey including frogs, snakes, lizards, small mammals, and insects. Kookaburra are very protective of the area that they live in and do not like to share…

  • Amazon Rainforests

    Amazon Rainforests

    Remember reading about the largest river in the world – The enormous amazon in South America. Why is it so large? One of the big reason is its location – right at the equator where it rains almost everyday! Hmm Lots of rain, a big river and a fertile land around it are perfect for…