Category: Nature News

  • Were you Lost Mr. Camel?

    Were you Lost Mr. Camel?

    Camel , “The ship of desert”,  finds lost people right? You think of camel and you think of dry and hot desert. Would you believe me if I said that camels flourished in the arctic? Fallen out of your chair yet? Believe me or not, the scientists (or paleontologists) in Canada recently made a startling discovery. They…

  • Life Exists In Deepest Ocean

    Life Exists In Deepest Ocean

    The deepest point on the Earth is Mariana Trench in Pacific ocean. It is about 11 Kms or  36,069 Ft deep. The temperature at the bottom is near freezing about 1 to 4 ⁰C .  The atmospheric pressure at that depth is thousand times of the atmospheric pressure at sea level. With such harsh conditions in the…

  • CITES passes Regulation for Restricted Shark Trade

    CITES passes Regulation for Restricted Shark Trade

        The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Cites) is often referred to as CITES.The CITES agreement was signed in Washington in March 1973 in an attempt to regulate the burgeoning trade in wild flora and fauna. It currently has 178 member countries. Cites 2013 is currently being held in…

  • Tungurahua Volcano Erupts Yet Again

    Tungurahua Volcano Erupts Yet Again

    After erupting once in August 2012, and twice in December 2012,Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador erupts again. Tungurahua, is an activevolcano. Active volcanoes are likely to erupt at any time. Ecuador has eight such active volcanoes. The volcano has been ejecting fiery red lava and ash ever since March 9. All the nearby villagers had been moved to…

  • The Shark Attack

    The Shark Attack

    All Florida beaches have been closed for public for the time being. Why? Beacause the beaches are full of sharks rather than people. Really? Why is this happening? It is migration time for thousands of Black Tip and Spinner sharks so they are swimming up to the Atlantic coast and Florida coastline falls in their way. People have…

  • Happy Feet Jr Dies

    Happy Feet Jr Dies

    The emperor penguin from Macquarie Islands, who had lost its way for an year, before it was finally found in New Zealand few days ago has died. The penguin nicknamed Happy feet Jr, was under the care of New Zealand zoo ever since it was found at Tora Beach, south of Wellington in critical condition. Happy Feet Jr was…

  • Who Doesn’t Like Goldfishes?

    Who Doesn’t Like Goldfishes?

    Goldfishes are cute alright? But Lake Tahoe caretakers don’t think so. While for us, goldfishes make cute pets in our aquariums at home – they are proving to be a big threat for the Lake Tahoe’s ecosystem. Recently, a giant goldfish, nearly 1.5 feet long and 4.2 pounds in weight was found in Lake Tahoe waters. Lake Tahoe is…

  • Does Bigfoot Live in Texas?

    Does Bigfoot Live in Texas?

    For centuries large manlike creatures have been reported in North America. The legendary Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is supposedly an ape-like creature that inhabits forests. Most scientists deny its existence, but it has a huge number of fan following  who believe that such a creature exists. The believers have pictures of big foot sightings and a recent sighting by David Arceneaux…

  • Happy Feet – Lost and Found

    Happy Feet – Lost and Found

    Macquarie Islands, one of the islands around Antarctic is home to the entire Royal Penguin population on earth during their annual nesting season. An emperor penguin belonging to the Macquarie Islands, lost its way and drifted 2000 Kms in the ocean for about an year, before it was finally found in New Zealand.   The penguin, named Happy Feet…

  • Dolphin ‘Super pod’ Spotted

    Dolphin ‘Super pod’ Spotted

    A group of thousands of dolphins were spotted taking a swim together off the coast of San Diego, California. Dolphins are social animals that usually stay in groups of dozens known as pods. But once in a while, when there is abundance of food in an area, many pods merge together make a ‘super pod’.…

  • Finding Blizzard Nemo

    Finding Blizzard Nemo

    Blizzard Nemo has attacked northeast US. Almost 3000 flights have been cancelled. The storm started slow but grew stronger during the day, leaving people stranded on the roads. People have been requested to stay home to be safe. The cities affected the most are Newark, New Jersey; New York City; Chicago and Boston. New York City was…

  • Young Dolphin Saves The Day!

    Young Dolphin Saves The Day!

    A large pod of dolphins had strayed into the shallow waters at Whalers Cove in Australia.  They would have been in danger if one young dolphin did not make the distress calls. Why is being in the shallow waters dangerous? It is so because in shallow water they can get caught in a changing tide and…