Category: History

  • How is Cheese Made?

    How is Cheese Made?

    Doesn’t mum sometimes say that if you so don’t want to have a glass of milk have a slice of cheese instead! Does that give you some idea what cheese could be made of? Guess? If you guessed milk you guessed it right! But then how is it made from milk? Who made it for […]

  • Where is Luxembourg?

    Where is Luxembourg?

    In Europe, there is an extremely tiny country that looks like a fairy tale land. This country has beautiful rivers, lush green valleys and huge castles. But castles are not what this country is famous for. It has a deep treasure buried in its soil. The treasure is iron ore. This iron ore is used to make steel […]

  • First Walk on Moon

    First Walk on Moon

    The Apollo 11 was the first ever manned mission that successfully landed on the moon. Apollo 11 was launched into space in july of 1969 with three American astronauts – Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin ( No points for guessing – you know now from whose character ‘Buzz Lightyear ‘of ‘Toy Story’ was inspired from!! […]

  • How are Fables different from Fairytales?

    How are Fables different from Fairytales?

    Are Fables and Fairytales different or are they same? Aren’t they both stories for kids? You are right they are both stories for kids but Fables are stories for grown ups as well. Here is the thing, A fable is a story, also passed down from generation to generation and it has a moral lesson to […]

  • Antartica – The Forgotten Land

    Antartica – The Forgotten Land

    If I say that Antarctica was once bustling with life you would not believe me. But it is true. Looking at the the place which is now all covered with mountains and thick layer of ice ( 4 KM thick, as deep as the ocean ) it is hard to imagine that there was much more life in […]

  • What is a Civilization?

    What is a Civilization?

    So you know how stone age people lived thousands of years ago? They lived in small groups in caves. As time passed( talking about few million years ) people started to live in large well organized groups to form a town or a city. Such a group is called civilization. People in same civilization work […]

  • What happened to the dinosaurs?

    What happened to the dinosaurs?

    Dinosaurs were the huge creatures that roamed on Earth’s surface  230 million years ago. But where did they disappear? How did we even come to know that there were such creatures that came and disappeared long before we existed. We know that dinosaurs existed because of the fossils they left behind.Hmm..Let me try and explain. […]

  • Who is Walt Disney?

    Who is Walt Disney?

    You don’t know? Walt Disney is the person who created Mickey Mouse !!He was born in America. Even as a small child he was very interested in making cartoons, so he grew up and studied art. There is an interesting story about how he created Mickey Mouse. He had mice as pets when he was […]

  • The Bubble Spout

    The Bubble Spout

      Don’t we all love water bubblers? Wow! those jets of cold water to cool us down, especially in the summer. Whoever thought of such a wonderful fun thing? But did you know that people used them as taps long time ago. It was not used for fun but just as a tap. Fountains were […]

  • Where do Chocolates come from?

    Where do Chocolates come from?

    Once I asked a group of little kids -“Guys, where do chocolates come from” ? “The Grocery Shop”, quick came the reply. So I smiled and asked  them again – “But where do they come from in the grocery shop” ? “From the Chocolate Factory” someone promptly answered. “Fair enough”, I said scratching my head. The […]

  • Art on Walls

    Art on Walls

    Look at the picture above. You must have seen this art of matchstick figures a few times. It is called ‘Warli Art’. Warlis are the tribal who live in Maharashtra. Their huts are made of clay and walls covered with cow dung. Since they don’t have access to fancy things to decorate their homes, they decorate […]

  • How Olympics Started?

    How Olympics Started?

    There is a very interesting story about how Olympics started. About 3000 yrs ago, in Olympia in Ancient Greece, there lived a strong and powerful man named Hercules. He was given 12 tasks to complete as punishment by the Greek God Hera. These tasks included killing a lion, killing a bull, capturing a wild boar, […]

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