Category: Facts For Kids

  • Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan?

    Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan?

    About 125 years ago, a mathematical genius was born on December 22nd 1887. It is difficult to believe that, without any formal training in the subject, Srinivasa Ramanujan contributed immensely to the mathematical community. He was born in a poor Brahmin family and showed a natural inclination towards mathematics when he was ten years old. After that there was no stopping him. He won…

  • Migratory Birds

    Migratory Birds

    If you have ever shifted from one place to another you know how difficult and tricky that is. Who wants to leave the comfort of their home?  Can you imagine doing so every year? Well, some birds do migrate away from their homes, every year. Such birds are called migratory birds. So what makes them leave their…

  • Grimm’s Fairy Tales Anniversary

    Grimm’s Fairy Tales Anniversary

    Aren’t all of us fond of Fairy Tale Theatre? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel just to name a few.  We are able to enjoy these stories because almost 200 years ago, two brothers Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm travelled all around in Germany and collected these stories before people forgot…

  • Why Our Ears Are So Soft?

    Why Our Ears Are So Soft?

    Ears are soft because they are not made up of bones that are stiff and hard. They are made up of something called cartilage (kahrt-lij). Cartilage is made up of firm yet flexible tissue (tish-oo). Most part of our nose is also made up of cartilage. Cartilage is tough but not as tough as a bone.…

  • Eklavya – The Brave Archer

    Eklavya – The Brave Archer

    In ancient India, lived a boy named Eklavya. He was the son of a tribal chief in the forests of kingdom of Hastinapura. Eklavya was an extremely sharp kid, and longed to be an outstanding archer. Sage Dronacharya was an excellent teacher of Archery and Eklavya, desperately wanted Dronacharya to be his guru. So, one day he set off on a long journey…

  • Giant’s Causeway

    Giant’s Causeway

    Giant’s Causeway is one of the most spectacular structures in the world. It is located in Northern Ireland, UK. This breathtaking terrain has huge columns of rocks jutting out from the sea everywhere. The entire area covers about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns. The columns are laid in a brick like fashion. Most of the rocks are hexagonal in shape. So, some…

  • Did You Hear The Twitter?

    Did You Hear The Twitter?

    Wake up early in the morning and run to the garden. It will be full of tweets. The beautiful twitter of the birds. But have you heard about the other Twitter? You must have heard people mentioning about Twitter. These days people are waking up and checking their computers and phones to read the new…

  • Santa’s Helpers

    Santa’s Helpers

    Every year Santa Claus comes to your house all the way from North pole to deliver those much awaited Christmas gifts. It’s no easy feat to pull off. Does he do it all by himself ? Do you think he has helpers? Of course, he has helpers! And these Santa’s top helpers need a big…

  • Amazing Facts About Our Body

    Amazing Facts About Our Body

    Human bone is 4 times stronger than the concrete. The thigh bone, Femur, which is also the largest bone of the body is even stronger than a steel bar of same size!! You grow taller while you are sleeping. Your stomach’s digestive juices have so much acid, that together they can melt metal. When you blush…

  • How Computers Took Over The World

    How Computers Took Over The World

    Betty’s hand shook over the ‘go’ button. And it wasn’t just the chill from the air conditioner. The gigantic machine before her was purring like a sleeping tiger. Just running around it, programming the thousand switches had totally tired her. Now, that they were all set, Betty was jittery. “Do it,” encouraged Kay, “it’ll not bite you!” “Have you…

  • Mysterious Magical Tree

    Mysterious Magical Tree

    This tree is called ‘The tree of life’ This tree is called ‘Bottle tree’ This tree is called ‘Monkey bread tree’ This tree is called ‘Upside down tree’ I am talking about The Baobab tree. This tree is found in dry areas of Madagascar (Africa) and in Australia. In fact, this tree is the National…

  • Why does the Sun Always have A Fever?

    Why does the Sun Always have A Fever?

    Do you know that a normal human being has a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees Celsius? When a person’s temperature goes above 98.6 Fahrenheit, we say that he has a fever. Well Sun’s temperature at the surface of the Sun is about 10,000 Fahrenheit  or 5,600 Celsius, so the sun has a fever always.…