Category: News For Kids

  • Who Doesn’t Like Goldfishes?

    Who Doesn’t Like Goldfishes?

    Goldfishes are cute alright? But Lake Tahoe caretakers don’t think so. While for us, goldfishes make cute pets in our aquariums at home – they are proving to be a big threat for the Lake Tahoe’s ecosystem. Recently, a giant goldfish, nearly 1.5 feet long and 4.2 pounds in weight was found in Lake Tahoe waters. Lake Tahoe is…

  • Does Bigfoot Live in Texas?

    Does Bigfoot Live in Texas?

    For centuries large manlike creatures have been reported in North America. The legendary Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is supposedly an ape-like creature that inhabits forests. Most scientists deny its existence, but it has a huge number of fan following  who believe that such a creature exists. The believers have pictures of big foot sightings and a recent sighting by David Arceneaux…

  • Google’s Glasses

    Google’s Glasses

    Yes the Google’s glasses. Hey wait a minute, isn’t Google an internet search engine. Are they making designer sunglasses now? Well, these glasses are not plain simple glasses. If you are wearing these glasses your are also wearing a computer processor, a battery and a tiny screen on your face. With these glasses you can always be on…

  • Ancient Pyramid Unearthed in Egypt

    Ancient Pyramid Unearthed in Egypt

    A team of  archeologists have unearthed a 3000-year-old pyramid in Luxor, a city in upper part of Egypt. The excavation was carried out by Belgian archealogists under the joint mission carried out by two Belgian Universities – Free University of Brussels and the University of Liège. The pyramid is believed to be holding the burial chamber…

  • Happy Feet – Lost and Found

    Happy Feet – Lost and Found

    Macquarie Islands, one of the islands around Antarctic is home to the entire Royal Penguin population on earth during their annual nesting season. An emperor penguin belonging to the Macquarie Islands, lost its way and drifted 2000 Kms in the ocean for about an year, before it was finally found in New Zealand.   The penguin, named Happy Feet…

  • Whale Hunting Halts in Japan

    Whale Hunting Halts in Japan

    After a clash between the anti-whaling protesters and the Japanese Whalers, Japan has ordered a halt to the whaling activities. Whaling is hunting of the whales and Whalers are the people who hunt whales. In Japan this started almost 900 years ago. In 1986, the  International Whaling Commission (IWC) prohibited anyone from hunting the whales. Japan continued to do…

  • Big Diamonds Stolen in a Huge Robbery

    Big Diamonds Stolen in a Huge Robbery

    The incident took place at the Brussels airport where armed robbers stole huge diamonds worth tens of million of pounds. The robbers got in through a security fence on Monday evening in cars that were flashing blue light. Interestingly, these masked robbers were dressed up as the policemen. They reached the Swiss plane, operated by Helvetica…

  • Dolphin ‘Super pod’ Spotted

    Dolphin ‘Super pod’ Spotted

    A group of thousands of dolphins were spotted taking a swim together off the coast of San Diego, California. Dolphins are social animals that usually stay in groups of dozens known as pods. But once in a while, when there is abundance of food in an area, many pods merge together make a ‘super pod’.…

  • Shoe or a Phone?

    Shoe or a Phone?

    Ever seen a shoe that is also a phone? The shoe phone can call, text or vibrate. Shoe designer Sean Miles of Designworks company in partnership with O2 Recycling company have created a new way to recycle an old phone – by putting it under the sole of a regular looking shoe so it can…

  • Self-driving cars?

    Self-driving cars?

    A group of engineers and researchers in UK, are working towards developing self driving cars. These cars would be capable of driving themselves on familiar routes while on unfamiliar routes manual control will be necessary. Such cars would use lasers and small cameras to remember the route frequently taken like trip to office or school. In…

  • Clean-up in Meteorite-hit Urals Begin

    Clean-up in Meteorite-hit Urals Begin

    Russian authorities have sent a clean up and a rescue team to the meteorite struck area. The rescue team consists of 20,000 workers. On friday balls of fire descended as the meteor landed in a lake near a town called Chebarkul. Almost 12,000 people were injured as the glass from the windows was shattered and hurt…

  • Meteorite Falls in Russia

    Meteorite Falls in Russia

    A huge meteorite estimated to be weighing 10 tonne, entered Earth’s atmosphere and fell near Chelyabinsk, a Russian city in the Ural Mountains. It fell shortly after 9 a.m. local time. The Meteorite looked like a bright fireball speeding across the sky leaving a thick white trail. Many people who saw it at first thought that it…