Category: News For Kids

  • Folding Cars

    Folding Cars

    As the world’s population is increasing, there is one thing that is obviously shrinking. Space on Earth! We have space savers everywhere. Cabinets, drawers and shelves that can organize our house efficiently. Now there is a space saver car that folds on its own and saves you a lot of space in your garage or…

  • Sinkhole Eats Up Trees

    Sinkhole Eats Up Trees

    In March 2013 a man living peacefully in his Florida home disappeared out of the blue swallowed by a sinkhole. Yes! The sleeping man just disappeared! This time it was turn of some unsuspecting trees. The group of trees was sucked up by a sinkhole in Louisiana, a state located in the southern region of The…

  • Globe on An Ostrich Egg

    Globe on An Ostrich Egg

    A Belgian map collector might have gotten hold of what is believed to be the oldest globe. Guess what this globe is carved on? An ostrich egg! Isn’t that unique? The rare globe was bought by Stefaan Missinne, a Belgian art collector in the London map fair in 2012. The map and its Latin inscriptions…

  • New mammal Discovered

    New mammal Discovered

    New scientific discoveries are not very uncommon these days. But to discover that an animal that scientists  for years mislabelled as an existing mammal called Olingo, is actually a new mammal altogether is thrilling and absurd both. The new mammal has been named olinguito. The animal looks like one with body of a raccoon and face…

  • Ancient Maya Carving Found

    Ancient Maya Carving Found

    Around 2000 BC, Maya civilization came and settled in the rain forests of the Yucatan Peninsula of Central America. They had lived in Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, the southern part of Mexico and eastern parts of El Salvador. The remains of the civilizations have been often discovered in these places. Recently, a 95% preserved frieze has…

  • Barbie Goes to Space

    Barbie Goes to Space

    Mattel makes the most famous Barbies. NASA makes astronauts. What happens when NASA and Mattel come together? An astronaut Barbie. This new version of Barbie was released on August 5. That was a special day as Curiosity landed on Mars an year ago on this date. Where ever there is Barbie there has to be…

  • Catch a Bird on Tape?

    Catch a Bird on Tape?

    Professor David Lentink and his students of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford are trying something new. They want to create spy drones to be as perfect as the birds of nature. Ever noticed a pigeon flying gracefully in the sky, over the buildings and in strong winds without falling down? That is how these people want the…

  • The Laboratory Burger

    The Laboratory Burger

    Some time back we heard about food being printed. Yes, scientists are working on something miraculous, just print your food. A new kind of burger that is not cooked in the kitchen but made in a laboratory was tasted for the first time in London on Monday. Scientist Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University produced the…

  • Invisible From Mosquitoes?

    Invisible From Mosquitoes?

    Wouldn’t everyone love to have an invisibility cloak from mosquitoes? Aren’t they annoying, buzzing creatures that suck your blood and give you a red itchy swollen patch on your skin? And this is when they are doing damage at the least. When they are most sinister, they can cause fatal diseases like dengue fever, malaria…

  • To Catch or not to Catch The Asteroids

    To Catch or not to Catch The Asteroids

    Have you ever caught the star? If you were a Dora fan, I am sure you must have ;) NASA intended to capture an asteroid and study it. For that, it wanted to launch an unmanned spacecraft in 2018 to bring the asteroid closer to earth and then send scientists up in the space to…

  • The Concrete Zoo

    The Concrete Zoo

      Singrauli, a town in India, is famous for its coal production and power plants of India. All this fame has a cost. Forests have been cut down to create space for the industrialization. The city lost its forests and wildlife. It was also famous for its wild life once. Tigers and elephants were commonly…

  • Anti Shark Suits

    Anti Shark Suits

    Coastline of Perth, Western Australia has recently experienced the highest number of fatal shark attacks in the world. The coastal waters are teaming with white sharks, and this poses a great threat to lives. Highly concerned about the issue, Shark Attack Mitigation Systems(SAMS) in collaboration with The University of Western Australia has innovated two types of shark suits that…