Category: Science
Why Do Things Fall Down?
Ever tried throwing a ball, high up in the air? Does it keep flying? No, it comes back to the ground. You might think it is magic? But an adult will disagree and say that it is gravity, and you would think that maybe it is a fancy name for “magic”. What does gravity mean? Some force…
Can I See a Star That Is Too Far?
Do things exist even if we cannot see them? Yes! But how can this be possible? Our eyes can only see objects which are up till some distance. Sometimes if the object is too far our eyes are unable to see it. So how do we know what is happening at a far distance? We…
Humans Under Water – Aquanauts!
Long time ago humans only wondered what the underwater world looked like. The were imaginative stories of mermaids and sea monsters. The sailors used to make up stories about the sea and the life under the sea. Now in these days and times we don’t have to believe in such tales as we know much…
Our Heart
Heart is the most important organ of the body and it is a muscle! It cleans our blood and circulates it throughout the body. In our body , Blood is carried in blood vessels. These are almost like water pipes but only much much smaller. Blood vessels are of two kinds : Arteries and Veins.…
Achoo!! Allergy??
Must have frequently heard people saying ” I have a bad allergy from mushrooms, I can’t eat it” or ” My nose started to run, looks like all that dust from the carpet triggered my allergy” What is an Allergy? Allergies are caused by an overactive Immune system. For some reason, your immune system mistakes…
Our Body’s Army : Our Immune System
Every day we are exposed to a lot of germs but its not everyday we fall sick. Why? Our body has a smart way of fighting these germs with something very special called an Immune System. Our immune system can detect a difference between the body’s own ‘healthy‘ cells and ‘foreign‘ cells. When one of…
The Wonderful Whirlybird
If you have ever observed a helicopter that is trying to land you will feel that it is dropping straight down and is about to crash. But it does not crash, it just slows down and gently comes to rest. Standing still in the air and going straight up and down is something that only…
Milk in the Cup, Hot or Cold?
Can you tell just by looking at something whether it’s hot or cold? Maybe, sometimes, when the thing is steaming hot or freezing cold, but not all the times. However, you can always tell whether a thing is hot or warm or cool or very cold by touching it with your hands (or body). Why is that? A healthy human…
Sweaty Summers
Now that the summers have arrived you can’t get away from sweating all the time, but why does that not happen in winters. I know, I know you’re going to say that we sweat whenever it’s hot. Well, That’s correct ! But my next question is ….. why do we sweat when it’s hot? Scratching…
What is Soil?
Maya took some soil from her garden and put it in a plastic bottle. She then added some water to it and shook the bottle hard until it was a muddy mixture. She left this mixture overnight and looked at it next morning. Guess what had happened to the mixture? The mixture seperated into layers: the darker bottom…
Tickle Your Funny Bone
Do you get a tingling sensation sometimes when you accidentally bang your elbow at a particular spot? It doesn’t hurt but surely feels odd. Or may be funny? Guess what? You just hit your ‘funny bone’ !! And you know what is even funnier? Funny bone is not even a bone !! Then what is…