Category: Facts For Kids

  • Moving Homes

    Moving Homes

    The idea of homes moving around might be a little odd to you. After all its always people who move from one place to another and find different homes to live in. Well, that’s true almost all the times but not always! Sometimes people move from one place to other along with their homes. Puzzled?…

  • Who Is A Dentist?

    Who Is A Dentist?

    Who is a dentist? Maybe an artist? The one who works on your teeth, When something  goes wrong. And in pain you wreath. A dentist fixes it with his tong. Using a mirror, so he can see clearer! He tells you not to rush, When you brush brush brush. Says, that will keep your teeth shining And…

  • Japan’s Pride – Mount Fuji

    Japan’s Pride – Mount Fuji

    Mount Fuji is the highest and the most famous mountain in Japan. This legendary mountain is more than ‘just a mountain’. It is a tall, conical shaped, active volcano!! The volcano last erupted almost 300 years ago, in 1707.  Mount Fuji itself was created  by explosive eruptions thousands of years ago. According to one of the most popular…

  • Living Bridges

    Living Bridges

    It is cold and I shiver! But I have to cross the river, Look there is a road in the air next to the ridge! I wonder if that is what people call a bridge. The bridge is made of wood and cement, It seems to me so still and content. Humans have always been…

  • Look Out – Nature is Leaking!

    Look Out – Nature is Leaking!

    Cold air from below hit him right away. On such a warm day, it should have felt good. Yet thirteen-year old Quint shuddered as he stepped into the tiny hole they had dug in the rocks. Sliding down the rope, he hoped the darkness would mask his fear. But nothing prepared him for what lay…

  • Pandora’s Box

    Pandora’s Box

    Long time ago when there were no humans, mother Earth commanded her two grandsons Prometheus and  Epimetheus  to settle life on Earth. Prometheus was foresighted, as his name suggested, was quite a planner and always thought of  repercussions of his decisions. Epimetheus true to his name had only hindsight. He was reckless and was always regretting his decisions. Now, the two…

  • What Makes Up Plants and Animals?

    What Makes Up Plants and Animals?

    Well  Well Well, Can you tell ? What makes both Naughty boy Nell, and his pet doggie Dell ? It is a teeny weeny Cell :) Look at the picture above, aren’t all of them very different. Would you believe me if I said that they are all made of only one thing, and that is cells.…

  • Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus

    Did Columbus discover America? No, That’s not right. But to read what he explored would be a delight. So let’s read his story that’s full of turns and twists, Him exploring the world that did not even exist. The adventure all began in year 1492, When Columbus set to sail with his crew. From Spain he started to cross…

  • Who Invented School?

    Who Invented School?

    What!! Were schools also invented? Is that true? My parents went to school, their parents went to school, and their parents went to school too. Doesn’t that mean schools have been around since forever? Let us find out. The idea of passing knowledge in one way or the other has always been around with or…

  • Our Oceans

    Our Oceans

    What is so special on our planet Earth that it has life on it? What does it have that no other planet has? What is it that Mars might have had in past? Water!! Did you know that the first life on Earth originated in water. Our earth is made up of around 70 % of water.  Just the…

  • Brilliant Brazil

    Brilliant Brazil

    Everybody is talking about brilliant Brazil these days. The country’s economy is developing fast and to add a few more jewels to its crown it is all set to host the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics. Do you know which continent Brazil lives in? Brazil covers almost half of South America and is the…

  • Mr. Fat – Good or Bad?

    Mr. Fat – Good or Bad?

      Fats just like the name suggests, do make people fat, but only when eaten in more than the required quantity. Fats when eaten in moderate amount are an essential nutrient needed by your body. Fats are not healthy for your body if eaten in huge quantities. Oops! I forgot to tell you what fats are!!…