Category: Science

  • How Do We Learn?

    How Do We Learn?

    Do you remember the time when you were all babies? Were you as smart then as you are now? Have you wondered how have you learnt whatever you have learnt? Tell me how would you  answer all the questions asked below. Do you know the colors of the rainbow? See it Do the flowers smell…

  • Thousand Fruits On A Platter

    Thousand Fruits On A Platter

    How can that even be possible? Thousand fruits on a platter. Yes it is if you dry them up and squeeze them into tiny sizes. Now can you guess what we are talking about? Dry fruits or commonly known as nuts taste terrific and are so good for you. Let us explore here which nut…

  • Precious Sunshine

    Precious Sunshine

    Sunshine shines Sunshine shines Oh! look the dark cloud whines Its rays are falling bright yellow Making me so calm so mellow.. I am sure you all know that sun’s rays are super for us. But have you ever wondered why they are so cherished? Sunshine helps us in many ways. When it falls on our…

  • Why is Plastic Harmful for Environment?

    Why is Plastic Harmful for Environment?

    You must have observed that grocery shops these days do not use plastic bags. They hand out all your things in either paper bags or cloth bags. So what happened to the plastic bags that we used? There is a reason plastic is slowly disappearing. In fact, it is a conscious effort by everyone as…

  • I Can Control Remote Gadgets

    I Can Control Remote Gadgets

    I am not a magician, but I have the power to control electronic gadgets from a distance. I help you all the time. I am the reason you do not have to go close to the television to flip the channels. I am the reason you can switch on and off the air conditioning lying…

  • Do I Have To Use Soap?

    Do I Have To Use Soap?

    Every time you come back from school or play, your parents remind you to first wash you hands with “soap”. Every Time you visit your doctor he also asks you if you are sticking to the healthy habit of washing hands before eating food. You are watching your favorite cartoon and just in the middle…

  • How is Paper Made From Trees?

    How is Paper Made From Trees?

    Every now and then you hear an adult saying  “Don’t waste paper” or “Recycle paper”  to save trees. Don’t you think what has paper got to do with trees? That’s because paper is made from trees. Sounds strange? Here is how. All the wood in the trees is mostly made up of fiber. Paper is made by…

  • What is Facebook?

    What is Facebook?

      Your older sister is always on Facebook and so is your elder brother and haven’t you often overheard  them asking their friends if they are on Facebook. But what is Facebook?  Is it some kind of a diet that your sister is on or a new video game that your brother is hooked on…

  • Countries On The Equator

    Countries On The Equator

    Keith had celebrated his birthday a few days back. His best friend Andy had gifted him a big Globe. Keith always knew that the Earth was round but to see how different countries and continents are spread across the Earth was a lot of fun. It became his favorite spinning toy. One day when Keith was observing…

  • No Seeds, No Plants

    No Seeds, No Plants

    Neil was eating evening snack of his favorite fruit orange when suddenly he happened to crunch a seed. “Eeeew.. Yuck… So bitter!” His grandpa was sitting next to him and said “You know Neil these tiny and sometimes bitter things that you spit out while eating a fruit… Without them you wouldn’t even be eating…

  • All About Bones

    All About Bones

    As soon as Trisha got down from her school bus she told her mom ” You know mom, Maya is my best friend but sometimes she says such goofy things. We were talking about bones when she said that babies have 300 bones but grown ups have 206 bones. How can that be true? Grown ups…

  • Why is Water Colourless?

    Why is Water Colourless?

    Milk is white. Lemonade is cloudy. Orange juice is orange. Pretty much everything you drink or eat has some color. Then why is that you can see through a glass full of water? Why is water colorless Have you ever wondered? Here is why. You must already know that white light is made up of…